29 March 2019

Friday, March 29, 2019

Snack. Mozzarella and sun-dried tomato sandwich and a few pieces of Jack Links' jerky.

Dinner. Braised leeks, with dinner bun. For dessert, we each had a cup of Kozy Shack’s Crème Caramel Flan.

It wasn’t possible to broil the leeks as the boiler is located at the level of the floor and is too narrow to fit a pan. The next time I braise leeks, I better do it on the stovetop. 

Workout. 45-minute-run. Sit-ups.

Laundry. M. did the colored clothes.

Two loads in the washer, each load costing $3 = $6.00 + Two loads in the dryer, each load costing $2.75 = $5.50 = $11.50